Frequently asked questions

Yes! Backbar is really free, forever. The Basic plan provides core inventory and purchasing functionality at no charge.

We decided to make Backbar free because we developed a great product that we want to get into as many hands as possible. We recognize that it's not easy or fun to switch inventory systems or take a chance on a new product that may not be a fit, so we made it as easy as possible to use our platform.


In addition to our free Basic plan, we also offer paid subscription plans that have more advanced functionality and reporting. To see more information on the various plans, see our pricing page.

Yes. All sensitive data such as passwords are encrypted. Backbar runs on Amazon Web Services, the largest cloud provider in the world.


In fact, your data is likely much safer with Backbar than keeping spreadsheets on a single computer.


What happens if your hard drive crashes?
What if the laptop gets stolen?
What if an employee quits and leaves with the files?
What if you need to look up information, but the person who typically handles it is out sick or on vacation?


With Backbar, you have secure access to your information anytime, anywhere.

That's okay, your data is completely portable and you can export your information at any time. If you try taking inventory in Backbar for a couple months and don't like it, you can export your spreadsheets and do it your old way.
Yes! While Backbar has a pre-existing database with information on hundreds of thousands of alcohol products that make it easy to add beverages, you can certainly still add any kitchen, food, non-alcoholic, supplies, janitorial or other products that you need to inventory and purchase.
You can use Backbar through your computer on the web, or on iOS or Android tablets or phones by using our free app.

For taking inventory, the web and mobile apps both support offline mode. You can continue counting on your mobile device or laptop even if you are in a basement or wine cellar without internet. When you get a connection again, your counts will automatically sync.

Yes, the Backbar mobile app allows you to use your device's camera to scan the UPC barcode of products. You can store and scan either the individual unit or the case UPC. In many cases the UPCs of products will be saved on your item automatically based on data from our beverage database, but you can also assign UPCs to items when we don't automatically have the match. Backbar does not work with any external barcode scanner devices, only the built-in scanner that uses the device camera within the app.
No. Our goal is to make doing inventory fast and easy, with a focus on simplicity. If you are looking for the precision of measuring every ounce of every bottle, and spending the extra hours each week to do that, Backbar is not for you.
Yes, our platform is agnostic to nearly any vendor. When you place an order through Backbar, we generate a purchase order and send it to your vendor contact.
You can place orders with your state store or warehouse through Backbar if they are able to accept orders via email. This is possible in some, but not all, control states. Additionally, you can place orders with any private distributor or vendor that you use. So if spirits are controlled in your state and must be ordered directly from a state store, you can still place wine and beer orders through Backbar with other vendors.
Yes, absolutely. That makes counting inventory more efficient and you can see counts being updated by co-workers in real-time. You can even see who was involved in counting inventory, in which locations and when.
Backbar integrates with several POS systems and is adding more quickly. To see if we integrate with your POS system, go to the "Sales" menu in your Backbar account, click to connect, and then choose your POS system.
If you have a general suggestion or product idea, please submit a support ticket on our support site.
Backbar is only for commercial use by restaurants, bars or other businesses that serve alcohol on premise. We may verify all organizations that sign up. If we cannot locate information about your business we may request further details from you to prove the business is legitimate. If we do not receive a timely, valid response, your account may be terminated. For further information, please see our Terms of Service and Acceptable Use Policy.

Backbar allows only one organization account to exist for a business. If your organization already has an account, you cannot create another one. Instead, ask your admin to invite you to the organization.

If your previous admin no longer works at your organization, or you don't know who your admin is, please submit a support ticket and provide your organization details. We will require you to verify your ownership or employment by the organization before granting you access.

Well thank you, we're glad you enjoy using Backbar, but no need to send us anything. We would appreciate if you told your friends, co-workers and other industry professionals about Backbar though!

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