Track every drop of inventory

The Shift4 integration for Backbar makes everyday easier with automatic inventory updates and better ways to stop loss and track costs.

Get started - it's free forever
Scissors cutting price tag

No cost integration

Connect Shift4 with Backbar at no cost. POS integration is included in Backbar's Basic plan, which is free-forever.
Global access

Global access

Access inventory and sales data from our mobile app and web platform to get updates whenever you need it, wherever you are.
Hand snapping fingers

Simple setup

Connecting Shift4 with Backbar is easy, you can do it on your own without scheduling a call. Get up and running when you need to.
item history sales

Streamline inventory management

By-the-minute inventory updates sync sales and inventory counts so you always know what's in stock.

Prevent product loss

Compare products sold with physical counts in one report to make sure sales and stock match. Reduce overpours, stop theft, and protect your bottom line. 

Variance reporting

Control your costs

Get the most accurate cost-of-goods numbers so you can grow profits and sustain success for your business.

Don't have Shift4?

Get more done with Backbar

Backbar is more than inventory control, it's the core for your restaurant's operations.

Vendor purchasing

Place orders with multiple vendors in a single click. Build orders based on real-time inventory counts and cut unnecessary spending.

Drink & recipe costing

Price menu items like wine or drink recipes and adjust desired profit margins to see suggested menu prices. Make sure each sale is turning a profit.

Staff training

Shift Notes alerts staff to new menu items and provides tasting notes or drink recipes so your staff stays informed, even if they've missed the pre-shift meeting.

Take the next step to simplify bar inventory

Get started today