How do I transfer items?

    Learn how to transfer items from one inventory location to another in just a few steps.

    Backbar does not track real-time inventory by location, but you can use the Transfer functionality to help you keep an audit log or record of what, when and where you transfer different products.


    On the desktop app

    Go to the Inventory Items page, select the items you want to transfer using the checkboxes to the left of the item name. Then click Actions > Transfer. Enter the quantity you want to transfer, and choose the locations which you are transferring the items from and to. Click Save.


    You can view a record of these transfers either by clicking on the Item History icon for each product on the Inventory Items page (the document icon to the right of the quantity), or you can view all of your transfers within a specified date range by going to ReportsTransfer Report. You can export your transfer history to an XLSX file on the Transfer Report by clicking the green Export button.


    On mobile

    On the Inventory Items screen, tap an item you wish to transfer. Towards the bottom, tap on Transfer, then enter the amount and the desired 'From' and 'To' locations.

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