Understanding sales reports

    Backbar offers a number of reports to help you understand your sales data better.

    Sales overview

    This report will show you your total sales for wine, beer, spirits, and recipes (cocktails) in a given time period. You can click in an area of the chart to drill down. For example, clicking on spirits will then show you sales by different subtypes of spirits.


    Sales Trends Overview

    The Sales Trends Comparison report shows your sales trends over time by product type. Again, you can click in an area of the chart to view trends for its subtypes. For example, if you click on wine, you will be able to see sales trends for subtypes such as red, white, sparkling, etc. This chart shows sales in units sold, not by value.


    Sales Trends Comparison

    The Sales Trends Overview compares specific products' sales quantities in a given time period. You can choose up to 3 products to compare. This chart shows sales in units sold, not by value.


    Profit Details

    The Profit Details shows you the theoretical profit you made on each item sold (Net sales - Net cost = Net profit) within any given time period. In this report you will be able to analyze your profit margins and see your most and least profitable items and recipes. You do not need to have completed inventory sessions through Backbar to view this report as it simply uses your sales within the time period and the associated cost of the those products sold. The report does not take into account loss or waste which can be seen in the Variance Details report.


    Variance Details report

    The Variance Details report takes your expected inventory count (sales) and subtracts it from your actual inventory count (usage) to calculate variance, inventory product that is gone but not accounted for by sales. This is useful for tracking loss, waste, theft, over or under-pouring. You must have completed at least two inventory sessions and put your orders into Backbar to view this report as it relies on calculating your actual usage (starting inventory + purchases - ending inventory).


    Cost of Goods Sold Details report

    This report shows you your Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) or pour cost percentage, the ratio of your actual costs to your actual sales, for each item sold between two inventory sessions. The Cost of Goods Sold report takes your cost of goods sold, or usage cost (initial inventory value + purchase costs - closing inventory value), and divides it by your sales to get your COGS. It's important to keep your COGS percentages low - the higher the percentage, the less profit you are making on an item. 




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