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Importing an existing inventory spreadsheet is the easiest way to get products into your account when setting up Backbar. The import wizard leads you through a series of steps to get your items and information loaded into Backbar correctly.
The spreadsheet Import Wizard is only available on the web version of Backbar. Access on a computer to upload your inventory spreadsheet. The web version of Backbar provides the best experience for initial account setup.
The import is only saved locally in your web browser on the device you used to import the spreadsheet. You or another user can't access the import from another browser or device. To resume setup, make sure to access the import from the same device and browser.
Before uploading your spreadsheet, make sure that your file meets the following requirements to ensure a successful import.
The next step is to upload your spreadsheet. You may need to edit or update spreadsheet formatting to ensure your data imports correctly.
Here are the requirements:
The following data can be imported into Backbar from a spreadsheet:
Here's an example of a spreadsheet with the appropriate columns and data set up.
If your spreadsheet meets the file requirements, you'll automatically be taken to the Map and review page.
On this page you'll confirm vendor matches, check column mappings, and can fix and errors with your spreadsheet data.
Before matching columns, you may be required to review and update information for any vendors we couldn't find in Backbar's vendor database. If your spreadsheet didn't include vendors, you will automatically bypass this step.
You can create a new vendor by clicking +Add as a new vendor at the bottom of the vendor dropdown list.
Once all vendor information has been updated and review, click Save to continue.
Backbar automatically matches column headers to the corresponding item fields in the database.
The fields in our database are listed at the top of the column in bold text. The column headers from your spreadsheet are listed in the dropdown menu.
You can edit which column is mapped to the corresponding field by clicking the dropdown menu and selecting a new column to map.
The only field that is required to map is the Name field.
When all of the information is set up how you'd like and the errors have been corrected, you can click the Next button to proceed to the Review matches page.
Backbar automatically matches your items to the items in our beverage database. For items that haven't been matched*, you'll be able to create new items or search for an existing items.
Items that have a match will show a check mark in the Actions column. You can click the edit button to search for a new product if the match shown isn't correct.
For items you'd like to skip, click the green check mark to skip. You can review skipped items before submitting your spreadsheet for import.
For items with no matches, click into the Search by another name field in the Matched Backbar product column.
You have three different item view options that you can select with the tabs above the import table. lick Matched items to only see your items with matches. Click Unmatched items to view items you need to add a match for.
*For items that don't initially return a match from our database, you can search for it again by using different terms from the label or replacing any abbreviations used in your spreadsheet name with the full words on the item's label. This is more common with wines than beers or spirits.
Backbar should detect non-alcoholic items like mixers, juices, or produce and will label them as non-alc by checking the non-alc item checkbox on the left of the Review items table.
For non-alcoholic items, you can choose to match to an item subtype like dairy, tobacco, soft drinks, or paper goods. Click the Match to item subtype dropdown menu for the full list of options.
After you've review and added matches, then you're ready for the final review. Click the Final Review button in the bottom right of the page.
A modal will pop up showing you total counts for the following information:
- All items imported
- Existing items updated
- New items created
- Skipped items
Click on any of these rows to expand and see a full list of each item assigned to each category. If you need to make any changes, click Cancel and you'll return to the Review matches page.
If everything looks correct, click Import items.